this post is to let my readers know i've decided to take a leave of absence from my blog....for an undetermined amount of time.
there have been some comments and concerns recently from a section of my readers that my blog is
too personal... that i share things on here that should be kept private... that i need to be more careful about what i put out there for anyone in the world to read.
so i've been doing some thinking.
when i started this blog back in 2005 i had no readers. i really joined blogger so that i could comment on other blogs that i loved, but then thought: "how cool would it be to have a blog of my own? i could have my own little chunk of space on the world-wide-web. it could be like an online diary; a place to keep my thoughts and pictures and adventures." that's what caused
serendipity to come to be.
four years later my blog hasn't let me down, and its turned into even more that all of that. its become such an important part of who i am. its lead me to become friends with the most amazing people, who inspire and support. its enabled me to continue scrapbooking in this hard economy because i have designed blogs for others. its helped me keep track of life and the things i've learned. its been a place of solace.
i never would of thought i'd have 34 followers and others who read my blog on a regular basis. i never thought others would find inspiration in what i'd created or hope in the words i'd written.
so why am i going to stop?
it just feels like the right thing to do for now.
i think i need some time to re-evaluate what this blog is going to be about. time to focus on my creative endeavors and photography and expand myself that way. time to heal from other people's opinions.
for the record i would like to apologize to those readers who i seem to have offended or concerned. that was not my intention in any of my writing or posting.
i would like to thank those of you who have become my dear friends in the online world. you know who you are... your comments, your e-mails, your encouragement have meant so much to me, especially in this last year and a half. you've helped me grow so much!
thank you i am not intending to disappear completely... i will still visit other blogs and remain active on Flickr.
look there for future scrapbooking projects and photography from me.
until i return.... farewell.
love shaina