Dear Chris: I am so proud of you and was blown away by how well you did this week on your very first Russian Bible reading. So excited to be learning with you and working on this together. Dear Credit Union: I feel at home within your walls and I am so happy that this job worked out. I have training today and all of next week in Spokane and I think its going to be great to really immerse myself in the Credit Union world and develop the skills I’ll need to be great at my job. Dear Mom: I’m sorry that my new work schedule has kept us from visiting everyday. I hope we can visit soon. I miss you. Dear Car: let’s pretend that I had the time to get your oil changed before my trip, k? Dear Friends: I need some new music to listen to while on my little road trip to training. Suggestions?? Dear New Co-Workers: Thanks for making me feel welcome and like a valuable part of the team. Dear April (my old co-worker): I miss visiting and working with you, but I promise to keep in touch. You and your family are very special to us. Dear Photoshoot: I am squeezing you in this Sunday afternoon and I really need you to go well. Hopefully the during the drive I’ll be able to focus and be inspired and have some great ideas come to me. Dear Phone: I think that its time we part ways…its been a great 2 years, but this whole not working thing is really putting a cramp in my style, and my internet connectivity. Dear Perfect-Pair-of-Pants: Where are you? Can you do your best to find me this week? I really need something to wear to work. K, thanks, bye. Dear Husband: thank you so much for all you’ve done this month, and this week especially with keeping the house clean and cooking and making me laugh when I’m stressed. Your support has meant so much through this transition period and while I’ve been making the adjustments and still keeping my prior commitments. You are the best partner and I so appreciate you and all you do. Love you to life. Dear Blog Readers: Thanks for sticking around while things have been a little sparse here. Once I get used to my new schedule things will get back to normal. I hope you all have a great weekend! Leave me a comment and tell me how you’ve been.