
Friday, October 05, 2012

*Coffee Date* Vlog

All about my last few days at Instant Cash…

I am fully embracing this season of change and so excited for what’s to come and celebrating the little moments along the way. Feeling more like my old self again is the greatest feeling. And maybe its not the old Shaina I’ve found, maybe it’s the Shaina I’m supposed to be…. the Shaina I am becoming.

Linking up with Alissa from Rags to Stitches again this week for coffee date. Did you do a vlog or post this week? Make sure to add your link so I can come hang out with you today for coffee too. I love to get to know you all better.


What changes in your life are you celebrating and embracing?
Do you think clothes can have a big impact on how you feel?
Do you have an item of clothing you’ve been searching for?


  1. OK seriously you are so stinkin' cute!!! and very good at vlogging- I would absolutely love to have a IRL coffee date with you! I'm so excited for you and the changes going on - you're going to have to post a pic of your hot new blazer :) Have a lovely weekend my dear! xo

    1. AH! IRL coffee date with you would be so much fun. I would love that! Thanks for your encouragement, friend. I'm so excited for what's to come.

  2. I absolutely ADORE you! I wish we lived closer so we could be IRL friends! I am curious where you found that sweet blazer and if you might be posting a picture soon!

    I've been on a WL journey and have lost of 270lbs, I'm in dire need of some new clothes ;)!

    Thinking of you as you prepare for your new season!

    1. Thanks so much Colleen! I promise to share pictures soon. :)
      I got my blazer from maurices. They have a great plus size section with lots of cute styles. I love shopping there. Way to go on your WL! You are an inspiration!

  3. Congrats on your new job and your awesome blazer!! :)
