so terrific in fact that i paid for and brought home this:

Course #1!!!
i'm now training at home to become a medial transcriptionist.
there are so many advantages to this profession and i'm so excited to get started. the class is a step-by-step, study at your own pace, in your free time course. studying just 15-20 hours a week will get you finished with the full course and completely certified in about 5 months.
the seminar last night talked in detail about medical transcription and the growing need for skilled workers in this field. in this system, the medical field is fast becoming one of the only profession with "job security." people will always get sick and go to the doctor. through this course you learn the skills needed to be a medical transcriptionist, establish your own businees, and make a living working out of your own home. it is a job that could be suited to so many different kinds of people and circumstances. i'm hoping that it will work out for me and my little family.
check it out! :
so far i've already finished with lessons 1 and 2 and sent off my first exam. i'm so excited about this!! and it sure feels good to be a student again. :)