Friday, July 21, 2006
"he said he liked your laugh"
she said
i smile
(all i remember from that night is laughing)
"he said he thought you looked cute"
she said
i smile
(must of been clean jeans and diamond earrings)
"she said he thought you seemed nice"
she said
i smile
"i thought he seemed nice too"
i say
and we both smile

the beautiful bride and her handsome groom. the happy couple: jeff and kelly-anne bernardy.
this is the complete wedding party. left to right: alanna (kelly's little sister) crystal, me, kelly, jeff, ryland, and tyrell.
we had so much fun together. good friends. :)

this is us on our way down the isle. the wedding was in a park. it was so beautiful. except for the part where my heels sunk into the grass...
this is one of my favorite pics of the three of us. i am so glad that i was able to be a part of it.

and here is a picture of me. i loved the flower in my hair. it matched the dress perfectly...which i also loved. i felt so pretty in it. and its so cool cuz the dress is reversable (black) so i can wear it for so much. can't wait!
my mom ended up taking 468 pictures at the wedding. these are some of my favorites. it was such an amazing wedding. perfect weather and everything. i still can't beleive she's married. wow!
Monday, July 17, 2006
so little time.
its been like 10 days since i last posted and so much has happened. on the saturday the 8th jennifer, lyndsey and i went to penticton for the weekend. we has such an amazing time. it was one of those trips that everything worked out just as we had planned. good friends, good times, good memories. i have some great pictures from the weekend too, that i will post when i get a sec. lots of fun on the beach and eating out. crazy, crazy girls!
then on tuesday i headed up to william's lake for kelly's wedding. WHAT A WEEK!!! i really just can't believe that my best friend is married. its got me thinking about a lot of things. been quite an emotional rollercoaster, to say the least. my mom was their photographer. she did such an amazing job. i'm going this afternoon after work to get all the pictures put on cd. so after that i'll be able to post some on here. kelly was such a beautiful bride. so amazingly happy....
but for now its back to the daily grind. service and work. speaking of service, it looks like i'm not going to make my time for this year. but i guess now that i've just accepted it i can try and focus on just finding some joy in my ministry instead of making it all about numbers. i hope that new perspective will help.
anyway, that's all i have time for at the moment. hopefully i'll be able to post my pictures soon. :)
Friday, July 07, 2006
lyndsey and i and her parents are going to the american idol concert tour in tacoma on september 2nd. !!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!! :) how cool is that? pam (loo's mum) surprised us with the tickets. she had this whole scavanger hunt set up and everything. it was so great. i am really excited about it.
"Life's a party, sometimes it's just not one of those fun ones, sometimes it's bizarre, sometimes wacky, sometimes fancy, sometimes intimate, sometimes perfect, sometimes seemingly pointless, but it's never boring. Revel in it. In all of it. " -Karen Kunkel
my friend karen just sent me an e-mail that said this. i just thought it was great. i love a good quote like this. :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
to be out in service for 5 hours. i think i'm going to die of heatstroke. i can see my life story in the watchtower already: faithful pioneer sister dies at the door. haha. it sure does make for a long day.
the tract work has been fun though. its amazing how fast we're getting through our territories. i'm impressed. :) and most people have been pretty nice about it. intrigued, i think. its a pretty special work. its cool to look at what's being accomplished in the organization and see the work speeding up as the end gets closer. i am so glad that i get to have a share in it.
this month is going to be very busy. next week i've got kelly's wedding. i can't beleive that its here already. i'm heading up on tuesday night and then spending the week with her. i'm really looking forward to it. my mom is taking the pictures, so hopefully i'll have some really nice ones to put on here. i have one of me in my dress already, but i didn't want to post it and spoil the suprise for those going to the wedding. you'll just have to see it there! i love it. my mom wants me to wear a sweater. she's silly. :)
anyway, i should go now. sleep would be a good idea. if my mind cooperates and lets me sleep.
good night for now.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
yeah, its only been about a month since i've posted anything. and its not that i haven't wanted to, or haven't sat in front of the computer just thinking of typing something. i'm beginning to understand my problme.... i don't know if i want to write down how i'm feeling. words are so powerful to me. the things that can be said...sometimes i get overwhelmed at the amazing strength that the written word has. i get scared.
i get scared a lot lately.
so much has been happening. i'm feeling like everything is falling out of my controle. things that should be happy and exciting and wonderful, aren't. and what i should be doing or thinking or feeling aren't what i'm doing or thinking or feeling. i'm struggling with other people's opinons and not placing enough value on my own. i'm feeling detached and so amazingly unsure of myself.
i've got some big dicisions to make....things i need to do...things i need to say. i wish that i could just write everything out. i mean really just write. but i can't tonight. i don't know when i'll be able to. surprisingly, even just typing out this nothingness of a post makes me feel a little better. at least i've been able to pin down some of the emotions that are running through me.
i'm looking out the window watching the fireworks. little things make me smile.
i don't mind winking online at all.