I am so in love with this project and this way of memory keeping. I’ve been keeping up really well and just going with the flow. I look at lots of other people’s pocket pages online and get really inspired, but I find that I always come back to my style when I’m doing my own pages. I’m learning to embrace it.
Here is Week 7.

This week Holli and I had been working hard to get the program created for The Lone Star Love Potion performance at Masquers. We took it over from Bev and so far we’re a really good team. One day she came and sat close with me on my computer to really crank it out and she was watching on Kayo that afternoon. It was just a blast to see him and Gibson play together! He’s such a cute kid. Chris traded me his phone upgrade to allow me to get an iPhone. It was just the right choice to make for work. I got a bright pink iPhone 5C and so far I really love it! My parents celebrated 18 years of marriage last month and as a gift for my Dad I scripted a lyric from their wedding song and framed it for him. I love how it turned out.

The weekend was spent with my parents helping them out…we drove Dad to Wenatchee for an appointment and did some things around the house to help them. Then we went to the meeting in Twisp with them Sunday morning. There was still a ton of snow up there!

Here is Week 8.

This was a really enjoyable week. It started with a little date night and we went and saw the Lego Movie. It was pretty funny. And I still get that “Everything is Awesome” song stuck in my head. There were a lot of blast from the past moments this week with a FB message from a girl I went to high school with, sharing some old pictures of Chris and I when we were dating and finding some of my artwork from high school while organizing my closet.

It was also a special week because we had a visit from a Russian Circuit Overseer and his wife from New York. Their names were Craig and Jenny Wilson and they were very kind, encouraging and real. They were a lot like us…around the same age and we had some shared experiences. I got to have lunch with them just the 3 of us one day and I was able to share a bit of the struggles I’m dealing with. They were good listeners and it was a blessing just to share. Craig gave his second talk on Sunday in English which was helpful because so many of us in the Russian group here don’t understand enough Russian. Glad for their visit and for our little group.