how time flies....i'm finally on my regular schedule at work which means i get mondays and tuesdays off! wahoo! so i got to clean my house really good and do laundry and cook my husband some really good meals. on tuesday i made pork chops with a glaze i made up that had peach jelly, BBQ sauce, and brown sugar. it turned out soooo good! i was proud of myself. :)
yesterday i got sick though...some kind of 24 hour bug or something. pretty nasty. :( so i left work early. but i'm feeling better today. i got wedding pictures from jennifer and derrik's wedding, so i've been working on editing them and getting ready to make their scrapbook. here are a couple of my favorite shots of them.

i'm hoping to be able to go visit them soon. jen moved to idaho when they got married, so she is in a place without friends and she doesn't really know anyone. so hopefully i can cheer her up. i also need to stop in spokane at Huckleberry's to pick up the paper and album for their book, so its a necessary trip. :)
chris and i have been doing good. we are getting settled into our new place and congregation. i've been doing a lot of interpreting at meetings and getting more confidant in my signing skills and chris has now conducted 3 bookstudies in asl. i am so proud of him.
we have been following American Idol this season....and i am so glad that jason castro is off as of last night!!! i did not like that kid. so many better people got voted off when he should of gone. but i think the three best are in the final three. i love syesha! it been fun watching this show. :)
so how are all of you? leave me some comments. i would love to hear what's up in your world!!