
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sept 1, 2007

wow, september 1st already! this summer went by so fast. today is the first day of the new service year. my plan and goal is to continue to pioneer. i didn't make my time last year and with everything that's happened i have been pretty discouraged about myself being a pioneer. i love service, i love Jehovah, i love people, and especially since i've moved to spokane i have found real joy in my ministry. i'm worried and scared that i am somehow disappointing everyone. but i am going to try to be more organized and actually have and stick to a schedule. and i think that having chris to encourage me will definately help. i have a big day on thursdays planned with salma. i also got a really cute encouraging card from Pam DelBiaggio, a sister in my old hall. its just said that she appreciated the good example i have been setting in putting Jehovah first and serving where there is need. it was very sweet. it made me feel like maybe i really can do it and maybe what i do can help encourage others. :)

another thing that was good about today was a special ASL meeting. we had a brother and some families come from the group in kennewick to give us a special public talk and then we had our watchtower study. it is so encouraging for me to go to the meeting and to be able to understand and comprehend. and aslo to be encouraged by the information. the talks aren't any different...but the beautiful language just makes it so clear. the truth has just really come alive to me again. i love being a part of this and i am so enjoying this opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shaina! Thanks for the "kudos"!! I LOVED pioneering when I got married! Everything just came together, and I felt totally complete! The time may come someday when your circumstances change...but till then enjoy the freedom you have to live your dreams!!

    Love you Little Sis..
