Sunday, April 30, 2006
i have been very stressed out about alot of things lately. my family seems to be a constant cause for heartache. but this afternoon was just what i needed. beautiful "summer" weather. hot sun was shining, a soft breeze, good friends, and digging in the dirt. we pulled up and re-planted a butt-load of lillies. what a job! but it was good fun. i thoroughly enjoyed myself. it was good to just get my mind off of my problems.
next weekend i'm going to meet kelly, jeff, crystal (the other bride's maid), tyrell (her husband), and alanna (kelly's little sister) in kelowna to go wedding shopping. we're hoping to find bride's maid dresses and yellow vests for the guys. i'm really excited about it! :) kelly thought that instead of having me drive all the way up there, we'd both drive about 3 hours and meet in the middle. can't wait!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
i can't beleive how fast this week has gone by. since i posted last sooo much has happened. here is a play by play ;)
*Thursday April 13th
i got my hair done!! blonde highlights, chunky, shaggy layers, and bangs again. i LUV it. :) i'll post some pics of that soon. i've been feeling that things are really changing...big changes. and so i decided that i needed to just embrace it. a new hair-do was a perfect idea. :)
*Special Assembly Day
what a wonderful spiritually encouraging. focusing on keeping our eye simple and what that means in real life. and a really special thing happend. in his talk on the benefits of keeping a simple eye our CO used my experience about getting my job at the bank. he used me as an example of someone who put God's Kingdom first and who was blessed for it. it was very humbling to hear someone say it like that. i was really overwhelmed and started to cry. jehovah has blessed me so much. i am amazed when i just take a second to stop and think about it.
i also got to see and visit with a bunch of my friends, like nick and lory. it was so good to see everyone again. and shelby, kelsey and i got along really well over the weekend, too. :) on the way home on saturday night we stopped in Soap Lake and mom took some fun pictures of us. good times. it was a really lovely day.
*My Girls
on saturday kelly and katie traveled 7 hours to come and visit me. they were at my house when i got there, which was so special. i have missed kelly sooo badly. we had such an amazing week together. on sunday afternoon mom took the three of us down to mallot and took some AMAZING pictures of us.
i love them!!
so here are some i wanted to share. they look even better in black and white but at the moment i can't change them on the computer. but here they are anyway. (and you can see my hair too)

we had such a good time together that afternoon. what fun!
*Wednesday April 19th
I BOUGHT A NEW CAR!!!!! it is a 1990 pontiac grand prix with 80,000 miles on it. its white w/ blue interior and is in such great shape. it belonged to this little old lady who had it in her garage for the past 12 years or something. its like brand new. and i got it for $1,950. wow!!! i've gone for 9 months without a car now. its sooo nice to finally have one again.
smiles! :) :D
late on wedesday night we also colored kelly's hair. now its a beautiful dark blonde. first time she's been dark haired in 4 years or so. she looks so amazing. i luv it. we had fun doing that. stayed up until 4am.! :O
my cousin whitney came down from grand forks on friday after work. my dad put a stereo in my car for me. then the four of us girls: me, kelly, katie, and whitney went to grand coulee dam to spend the night. we stopped and spat into the columbia river in the middle of the night. we're so crazy! haha! we stayed at the cutest little hotel there. it had two bedrooms and everything. i had called and made a reservation before we left, so the lady from the hotel just put our door key under the matt. that was fun! then we woke up early on saturday and drove to spokane. (i love spokane)
it is the most beautiful dress i've ever seen. perfect for her. we had such fun shopping. i think the reality hit us both yesterday...she's getting married. holy cow. and i'm going to be her maid of honor. i can't wait! her dress will come in early in june, so i'll go pick it up and bring it with me when i got up for her convention (by the way: her and jeff are in the drama! how cool is that?) and in june crystal and i will find our bride's maid dresses. i'm so excited!
we also went and visited nick while we were in spokane. luv that guy!
and then the girls left early this morning. we had sooo much fun together. i can't beleive all that we did. what a week.
i love my kelly....
Friday, April 14, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
i just got an e-mail from my friend katie that lives in william's lake with kelly. now she's coming to visit me too! yay! i'm looking forward to seeing both of my girls. :)
today i got to see my friend dawn. she was in town looking for a new outfit for the assembly and called me to go shopping with her. it was so nice to see her and spend some time with her again. its been way too long. it made me feel good that she called.
on that note: in the movie elizabethtown there is a quote that i felt really applied to me. "i am impossible to forget, but hard to remember." i thought that it was so true. i know so many people and i develope frienship "aquaintences" really fast, and people like me (not to sound stuck up or anything) but then once i'm gone then they don't remember about me. i don't know if this makes any sense...but i just needed to write it down. i was thinking about it because dawn did call me...that made a difference in my day.
and speaking of dawn...her brother BJ is getting married on the 29th of this month. i think i'm going to crash the wedding. personal reasons.... hehe ;)
in other exciting news: lou and i finally finished our Nancy Drew computer game. we got it a long time ago to play together and got stuck in this one spot. but we finally figured it out. it was the "last train to blue moon canyon" game. fun stuff! i know its not really a game that is included in the "cool to play" list, but i've always loved the books and have bought and played the games since they started making them. good honest time wasting! :) (and yes i was at the watchtower study today. haha)
anyway, i've got to go now. big week coming up.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
work is going really well..both jobs. i'm turning out to be not that bad of a bank teller. and i really enjoy working with the girls in there too. counting money is fun! :D lol.
anyway, i've got to go again. its strange how now that my life is full of stuff it seems like i have less to write about. i guess my days are pretty much the same all the time. oh well...
ps. Ice Age 2 was a really really funny movie! go see it NOW! :)