
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

From the archives

I am so excited for today’s prompt…I love looking back through my journals and reading how I thought and felt in the past, and the same is true of looking through my blog. I have been blogging since 2005…that’s a lot of posts!

Here are some of my favorites.

Our love story… We wrote our love story in a “He said / She said” style last year for our 5 year anniversary. It was one of my favorite blogging experiences and we had so much fun writing together. There was a whole week of posts, but you can find them all here.


This poem my friend Salma wrote for me back in 2007. Still one of my favorite things to read that I shared on my blog.

What marriage teaches… I post about a conversation Chris and I had with his parents at dinner one night. The different perspectives made for an interesting look at marriage.

My most popular Hair Diaries post… I had pinned this amazing hair color on Pinterest that was red hair with purple streaks. And I totally went for it! It was one of my favorite colors that I’ve ever had (and I’ve had a few!). Lesson I learned: take a chance and have some fun with your hair!


My favorite scrapbook layout… This was back when I was part of the design team for Scrapbooking from the Inside Out and “purpose” was the theme of the month.

Sleep Talking Husband… Fun posts all about the crazy things Chris says in his sleep!



Blog Every Day in May” challenge. Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives.

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