
Monday, November 12, 2012

The day the snow came…

It started to fall in the early evening yesterday…whispers of the cold faintly seen in the glow of the street lamp. And in the passing of a mere 2 hours the world around me changed seasons once again.

In the dark still of the night the world glimmers in its reflection. A perfect blanket of white before the next day’s activities mar its surface. It is beautiful then. I sat still for a moment last night, staring out my kitchen window into the delicate softness that used to hold magic for me…and I smiled.

This morning the rooms in my home seemed different…quieter in a way, although the only thing that’s changed is the season outside its walls. I am glad for today, a banking day off and a chance to just sit in the quiet. A chance to reflect back on this last year as it begins to draw to a close and be thankful for the next part of my journey…so aptly portrayed by the beginning of another season.


The snow is not my favorite thing, especially come tomorrow when I must face it from behind the steering wheel, but today I am grateful for it. Today I can see and enjoy its beauty.

Today I am celebrating change.


  1. When the snow came here last week, I was so unprepared... I'm glad it didn't last into the next day, but the walk home from the subway with the snow and the massive wind gusts made it feel like winter was here to stay... but not yet for New York, today it's 62.

  2. i wouldn't want to drive in it either. but i'm sure everyone on that side of the state is used to it. in seattle its a different story.. thank goodness we don't have it.

  3. Never experienced this... I would love to! I imagine it would be very surreal to have your whole world change so suddenly...

  4. Oh my gosh, this post is so beautifully written and we share the same exact feelings about the first snowfall. <3

  5. I always think everything looks so clean when there is fresh snow!

  6. Beautiful pictures.
