
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday’s Letters


Dear Auditors: Thank you for deciding to stay at our main location instead of coming to my office too. I know others might be upset and think that all the work was done for nothing, but I’ve never heaved a bigger sigh of relief then when I got the news. I celebrated and slept good last night. Dear Fall TV Shows: So excited that you’re back! (at least those on HULU). And thank you Parenthood’s first episode for making me cry big ugly tears. Dear glasses: I am in love with my first pair and am eagerly awaiting my second pair. I’ve got pictures and a post planned to share soon to tell you all about them. First pair free guys…how cool is that? Dear Sister Megan: I’m so glad you guys are coming to visit this weekend. I’m really looking forward to some sister time. And your baking. Always look forward to your baking! Dear Gas Prices: you are ridiculous. I almost have no words, except that I hate you. Dear trip to Whidbey Island: I am really looking forward to you and some time for relaxation. Hopefully I’ll survive the drive okay and be able to enjoy the weekend. Dear Husband: thank you for putting up with me these last few weeks while I’ve been under so much stress. Hopefully everything will get back to normal soon. You’re so kind, and I really couldn’t function without you. Love you to life.


1 comment:

  1. haha love the gas prices true!

    Following you now! Happy Friday!! Stop by and say hello! :)
