
Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Blogger: Elise Blaha Cripe

My guest blogger today rocks out everyday life, and I have come to love her blog because of that.  Please welcome Elise.  She blogs over at enJOY It  and its one of my favorite regular reads.  She posts about her paper goods shop (and new stamps!), her DIY projects, lots of yummy recipes (I'm really excited about her newest 40 pizzas idea), her scrapbooking with mini books and Project Life. I love the way she writes and how she shares the joy and struggles of life with such grace.  I sent her a couple questions around the theme Celebrating the Everyday, and she was kind enough to answer them for me to share with all of you.  Thank you Elise!  

1. What does "celebrating the everyday" mean to you? 
Celebrating the everyday is about being thankful for the normal.
2.  What things do schedule into your day help you celebrate or savor each day?
I have a cup of coffee and breakfast with my husband each morning before diving into my work day. It takes only 10 minutes, but it's so nice to sit down (with no laptops, iPhones or iPads between us) and just chat before separate and get to work for the day. This is especially special for us because Paul recently spent seven months deployed to Afghanistan. Just being able to sit across the table from each other feels like a big deal. :)
3. How do you think that taking time to “celebrate the everyday” lends itself to personal fulfillment?
The way I see it, only about two weeks (maximum!) of each year are considered "celebration" days and include major holidays, birthdays and vacations. Two weeks out of 52 isn't that great of a percentage, so I think celebrating EVERYDAY is totally worth it. I love the mindset that each day is special and worthy of celebration. I think it helps develop a postive outlook and that is very important for personal fulfillment. 
4. In what way does being a blogger add to your ability to celebrate?
The best part about having a blog is creating a record of things I've done and things I have thought. I am so grateful that I have posts from the past six years to look back on and and see how I have changed and grown. When I think about it, the blog has become a celebration of everyday life in itself. Plus, for the blog, I have to take tons of photos and usually they are of just the normal life stuff. All of these photos have become even more special and important to me as time goes on.

Find Elise on the web
BLOG <<>> WEB <<>> SHOP <<>> TWITTER


  1. I love it how a small thing like a cup of coffee with your spouse can contribute to a happier relationship and life in general.
    BTW Elise, you have interesting ideas for projects!

  2. She is so inspiring.....thanks for sharing her interview <3
