its a new week...
and i can share my secret blog design!

my cool scrapping blogging friend ally e-mailed me awhile back and asked me to design the blog and logo for her new inspiration blog she and her friend started. i was so honored! (i guess she liked the design i did for her blog!)

so head on over and check out their cool ideas. and they've got a design team call going on now too!! :)
the pink ninjas
in other news....
so there is going to be this big party on the 6th up in penticton (my old stomping grounds before i got married) with all my peeps and new friends i met at nate and abi's wedding and I CAN'T GO!!! i'm so bummed. :( turns out that my permanent resident card has expired. that's the card that lets me live in the US... (i'm a canadian citizen for those that don't know). i totally thought that i had till september, but it turns out i was wrong. in big letters on the card is says: expires 4-30-09. maybe it was the "09" part i had stuck in my head that made me think september. oh well. so i can't go to the party... and i can't go to my cousin's engagement party either. :(
i miss canada! and i miss my family too. its been a really long time since i have been to see them, and i was looking forward to it. gonna get on that really soon so i can cross the border!
so my hubby has got a summer job! he's going to be driving combine for a company called Quincy Foods. he's going to be working 12 hour days (at least) 7 days a week. yikes! its gonna be hard on me not having him around all the time, but the money is good. we've got a plan! and we're hoping to work everything right so we can get our house. eekk!! so excited.
i was talking to my mum about not having chris around and she's like: "quit whining shaina... nobody ever sees their husbands." :( but the thing is... i do. we spend every day (minus the 5 hours while chris is driving school bus) together. and we like it! we get along.... we like each other's company. anyway.... i'm just gonna miss him.
speaking of chris.... its our 2 year anniversary soon!!! i can't beleive its been 2 years already. :D its been the best 2 years of my life.
my 503 photography workshop is starting on the 3rd of june!! i'm getting sooooo excited for it. i'm hoping to learn a lot and take some good pictures.
i will probably be sharing them on here!
be back tomorrow with this weeks edition of {things i love} thursday. :)
my girl Jamie is also having a big giveaway on her blog right now! check it out
HERE. she is such a generous spirit. luv ya girl~!!!