this is my new wall of clocks! its funny how used to having them i had gotten...so that while they weren't up i missed them.
this is our kitchen and my perfect green canisters i searched for months for. finally found them at World Market in Spokane. love them!
of course we have word magnets on our fridge. we are always writing little notes and poems to each other.
the clock in this room is one i have had for awhile. the other day i took it apart and added green and brown polka-dot cardstock to it so it matched the house. have i said how much i love green and brown? :)
this shelf is in our dining room. its for all our magazines and stuff and my Nancy Drew book collection. and beside it is our wedding present from Kelly. its four pieces of canvas covered in scrapbooking paper and pictures of us. then one of the squares has a clock on it. does that girl know me or what?
well, that's all the pictures i had time to take this morning. the bedroom isn't quite finished and my scrapbook room/closet is just about organized. can't wait to get that started again. i miss scrapbooking. :(
one bad thing about our apartment is that the bathtub in plugged....really bad. you take a shower and by the time you're finished you could take a bath too. :P not good. we have tried so many different things. drain-o and the plunger and some natural enzyme thing from chris' mom. nothing has worked. so i called our manager yesterday and hopefully today when we get home it will be fixed.
tonight chris and i are going out. i have a surprise planned for him. there is a little comedy club in ephrata that is putting on a show and buffet tonight. chris loves that sort of thing. i told him to come pick me up from work tonight and to be dressed up. he has no idea. i'm so excited!
let you know how it goes and hopefully have pictures for you too!
Great new digs. I'm over on Fir St across from the lake and love it!