One hour ago... I was watching The Sing-Off on HULU.
Two hours ago... I was finishing up my 365 project post from the last month.
Ten hours ago... I was hugging Chris goodbye as he left for work today.
Eighteen hours ago... I was unpacking more boxes in my office.
Twenty-four hours ago... I was napping with husband. Sleep is so glorious.
Three days ago... I said goodbye to my best friend and made the drive home from Canada.
Five days ago... I got the news that my grandmother passed away.
One week ago... I was driving through a winter storm to be with my family in the hospital at my grandmother's side.
One month ago... I was editing and sharing pictures from my most recent family portrait session.
Six months ago... I was at my sister Megan's wedding.
One year ago... we lost and found our Spencer puppy.
Five years ago... Chris and I were falling deeper in love and I was making plans to move to Spokane.
Ten years ago... I was listening to Savage Garden in my very own bedroom.
Fifteen years ago... I was learning to be a part of a much bigger family.
Twenty three years ago... I became a big sister for the first time.
Thanks for another great list to fill out Nancy. It was interesting to look back through time....